@Studio8502 @jhamby Some thermal paper does. Other vendors guarantee 20 years of duration for their thermal paper, like Brother.

extreme regaling @ 3rz pic.twitter.com/mNA8tM7col
srigi "Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know"
It is hard for humans to get the picture until you translate it to… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
bildschirmtext1 Heute Bildschirmtext auf der LuheCon gezeigt. Verbunden wurde sich über Einwahl per VoIP und den von @2019Casandro… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@0xDEADBEEFCAFE @miloloveschoco @Recta_Pete * Flicker-free 71 Hz super-sharp monochrome display 640 ⨉ 400
* Broad r… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@0xDEADBEEFCAFE @miloloveschoco @Recta_Pete "how little"? Taking into account the *very* short development time, I’… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
“Writing and Running a BBS on a Macintosh Plus”
antoine_vignau HyperCard for the Apple IIgs gets an update 31 years after its release. Get it @ brutaldeluxe.fr
dateItems… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@erdgeist Damit kann man ausreichend hacken.
Studio8502 Stupid C Programming Tricks, #4: In plain C, with the right macros and clever code, you can have try/catch/finally/… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
cccfr @3rz_de .. Magnetbänder sind die Zukunft , es häufen sich die diy - fixes .. es mangelt an den legendären alten Mix… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
sakofchit so i made a lil #CSS library that allows you to implement a classic monochrome MacOS interface.
calling it System… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@JohnKennedyEsq @leyrer GFA-Basic, Turbo-Pascal 4
EmuTOS 1.2 is released!
* 3D-AES objects in some versions
* better RS232-SCC-handling
* buuuugfixes
benjedwards I wrote the first new Prodigy Classic content in 23 years
Phillip Heller has reverse-engineered the 1980s-90s Prod… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…